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Divorce mediation

Even if things are a little less simple, we can arrange the divorce in an affordable way.

Do you want to divorce together, but do you need substantive expert guidance? Then divorce mediation is the best solution. Our experienced MfN registered mediators will help you make good, well-considered agreements.

Our mediators will assist you from start to finish during the entire divorce process – with Raad & Daad.

Engels 2

All about Divorce Mediation

When the decision to divorce has been made, there is a lot to consider. During one of the most challenging periods of your life, there are many things that need to be arranged. Do you want to divorce together but still feel the need for expert guidance? Then make use of Divorce Mediation. This allows you to jointly make good agreements about the divorce and its consequences. Think of agreements regarding the children, the marital home, alimony, the division of assets and debts, and pensions.

In divorce mediation, one of the MfN-registered mediators from Raad & Daad, Advies & Mediation B.V. will assist you in making these agreements. The mediator is a legal, tax, and financial specialist. He or she will inform you about the legal norms and guidelines regarding the agreements to be made. The mediator will also prepare an independent alimony calculation for you. He or she will then help you establish well-considered arrangements, where the interests of the children are most important. In this way, you ultimately determine together what the near and distant future will look like.

The mediator will document the agreements in a divorce settlement and, if applicable, a parenting plan. The divorce will then be filed with the court by the lawyer. Finally, the lawyer will ensure that the divorce decree is registered in the civil registry. Throughout this process, the mediator remains your primary point of contact.

This way, the divorce is well-organized from start to finish, and nothing is overlooked.

Divorce mediation is available for a fixed, pre-agreed price. You may also be eligible for legal aid to cover the costs of the mediation.

What we offer

  • Specialized MfN-registered mediator
  • Expert and independent guidance
  • Meetings at the office or online
  • The children’s interests come first
  • Legal and tax advice
  • Independent alimony calculation
  • Drawn up divorce settlement and parenting plan
  • Dissolution proceedings in court
  • A predetermined, low price
  • All in English

What we ask

  • The willingness to sit down together
  • The intention to find a solution together
Request quote
Our roadmap

Our Roadmap

The decision to divorce has been made. What now?
Our roadmap to help you out!

What our cliënts say about us

08 January 2025
Ik heb het als heel vertrouwd, deskundig en relaxt ervaren

Vanaf het eerste moment heb ik de indruk gekregen dat wij op een deskundige en vertrouwde manier werden begeleid. Er werd rustig de tijd genomen en goed naar ons geluisterd.

Gea, Borger
Mediator Floor van den Berg
07 January 2025
Very satisfied

I was given an excellent advice on how to follow with the procedures, the mediator explained everything and was friendly , communications was understood, it doesn’t take much time , I recommend RAAD & DAAD.

Chinelo, Den Haag
Mediator Remi Brus
07 January 2025
Snel geregeld

Remi heeft alles snel geregeld!

ricardo, Hellevoetsluis
Mediator Remi Brus
07 January 2025

Fijne ervaring

Kelly, Hellevoetsluis
Mediator Remi Brus
06 January 2025
Professioneel, zorgvuldig, zakelijk, oplossingsgericht

Prettige samenwerking, snelle afhandeling, oplossingsgericht, klantvriendelijk.

Dalila Sehovic, Arnhem
Mediator René Tolboom
06 January 2025
Het is snel en soepel verlopen, zeer professioneel opgepakt.

Het is snel en soepel verlopen, zeer professioneel opgepakt.

Vera Volozhanina, Hoofddorp
Mediator Femke Bergmans
03 January 2025
Raad en Daad heeft mij/ons geweldig goed geholpen.

Raad en Daad heeft enorm geholpen om mij/ons de weg door het juridisch bos te wijzen. Ik werd steeds op de hoogte gehouden van in welk stadium ik zat. Dat heb ik zeer gewaardeerd.
Eén opmerking: in de mail ‘Inschrijving echtscheiding’ werd meegedeeld dat we officieel op 03-12-2024 gescheiden zijn. Met die datum ben ik aan de slag gegaan om allerlei zaken te regelen. Daarom was ik verbaasd om op 31-12-2024 van de gemeente Hoeksche Waard een brief te ontvangen waarin staat dat per 17-12-2024 onze wijziging ingevoerd is in het BRP. Ik moet dus goed gaan opletten of alles correct geregeld gaat worden….. Wellicht kan de tekst in voornoemde mail op dit punt iets aangepast worden (niet meer voor mij/ons maar voor nieuwe gevallen).

Paul, Oud-Beijerland
Mediator Christiaan Paans
27 December 2024
Onpartijdig en actuele kennis van zaken

Vanaf het eerste moment een vertrouwd gevoel bij Hilde, zakelijk maar toch empathisch en een actuele kennis van zaken.

Ik ben erg tevreden over hoe snel en correct de afhandeling voor beide partijen verlopen is!


Vincent, Westland
Mediator Hilde Visser
24 December 2024
Goed afgewikkeld!

Mijn ervaring
Wat ik heb meegemaakt, was in eerste instantie onprettig. Het gehele gebeuren voelde natuurlijk nieuw en onbekend, maar ik ben erg dankbaar dat ik goed geholpen ben. De afwikkeling en afhandeling zijn goed geregeld, en er zijn duidelijke afspraken gemaakt. Dit geeft mij de kans om met een schone lei te beginnen in mijn nieuwe leven.


Marvin, Arnhem
Mediator René Tolboom
22 December 2024
Goed geholpen in een moeilijke tijd!

Goed geholpen en advies!

Het geef echt rust in een moeilijke tijd!

Jolanda, Naaldwijk
Mediator Hilde Visser

Divorce without high costs

Request a quote quickly and for free

With Easy Echtscheiding, the divorce is arranged quickly and at the lowest possible costs, without compromising quality. After all, you only arrange the divorce once.

With Easy Echtscheiding you are assured of:

  • Expert and experienced MfN-registered mediators
  • Quick and personal contact
  • Always an office nearby

Complete the form and receive a no-obligation quote quickly and free!

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Frequently asked questions

Where can you find us?

We operate throughout the Netherlands. Through the exclusive collaboration with De Hypotheker – the largest and best-known independent mortgage advisor in the Netherlands – we always have an office near you.

The collaboration with De Hypotheker also ensures that you have a clear idea during the divorce process of how much you can borrow for a home and what the housing costs will be after the divorce; this provides clarity.

You can call us on telephone number 085-0091850 for questions or to make an appointment.

Where can we assist you? Find a location here:
Is the decision to divorce final?

Is the decision to part ways final or are there still alternatives?

Has the decision to part ways been finally made? Then the next step is to decide how you will arrange the divorce.

How do we get divorced?

It is preferable to arrange the divorce together. This can be done completely online or through mediation. This solution is always faster and cheaper. Moreover, you make your own agreements about the consequences of the divorce.

Are you unable to reach an agreement together? Then everyone must hire their own lawyer.

Where are we going to divorce?

You can arrange the divorce together with the help of a mediator. But how do you choose a good mediator?

Choose an experienced MfN-registered mediator, specialized in family law. Investigate whether you are eligible for an addition. Request different quotes. View the mediator’s reviews and make a choice together.

Filing for divorce

Made a choice together? Then make an appointment for an initial consultation. Make sure you have a good idea of ​​the costs and what you can expect from the conversation in advance.

The mediator informs you about your rights and obligations. The mediator also guides you in making good agreements.

Record agreements

The agreements made are recorded by the mediator in a divorce agreement. Do you have minor children together? The agreements about the children are then recorded in a parenting plan.

After signing these documents, your file will be forwarded to the lawyer.

Finalize the divorce

The lawyer draws up a petition and submits it to the court. The court pronounces the divorce and makes the divorce agreement and parenting plan part of this decision. This statement is called the decree.

The divorce is final after the decree has been registered in the civil status registers.

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